online Coaching

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QualityFit Online Coaching Mission

With a decade of coaching, national and international championships under my belt, a proven track record of guiding over 300 individuals, many of whom were complete beginners, I am confident that together we'll achieve your goals. No matter if you are juggling demanding work weeks, low on time or a high-performing athlete. My coaching background, coupled with my own pursuit for perfect physique for +15 years and successful competitive endeavors has equipped me with the expertise to set anyone up for success.

Whether it's alleviating back pain, growing stubborn muscles, attaining a solid 6-pack, or helping someone discover joy in their workout routine for the first time, I've encountered and successfully coached it all. We'll craft personalized strategies to reach your fitness goals. Let's start this journey and attain the results you seek.

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Why Choose QualityFit online coaching?

TAILORED to your lifestyle

Whether you work shifts, have week to week differences in schedule, are low on free time, ... We will fit fitness into your life seamlessly. I create custom training schedules that align with your work and lifestyle. No matter how demanding your job or difficult your schedule, we will find ways to get you results.

Streamlined Success

Experience a hassle-free fitness journey. Get meticulously planned details for every session, from warm-ups toworking weights, ensuring your time in the gym is purposeful and goal-oriented.

Effortless Nutrition

A meal plan that works for you without giving everything up at once. No more weird and unsustainable diets. Get clear and effective nutrition guidance and work within your lifestyle.

Form optimization

Perfect your form with personalized video analysis and tips. Whether you're a complete beginner or an experienced lifter, we will enhance your technique for optimal results.

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Welcome TO Jonathan's Online Coaching

My coaching service is fueled by 15 years of dedication to mastering fitness and nutrition, along with international experience in powerlifting and bodybuilding. Starting at age 15, I struggled for years to see any results. After studying scientific approaches to training and nutrition, I transformed from hyper-skinny, 55kg (121 lbs) to athletic 71kg (155 lbs) in just nine months.

Fueled by this success, I delved into deep research, attended international seminars, and sought guidance from Olympic-level coaches and world-renowned experts. Now, I share this knowledge with clients through close guidance, ensuring they get results without ever feeling lost in the process.

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Coaching Packages

Book a call or send an e-mail to for more information

Jonathan Vermeulen is not a registered Dietitian or Medical practitioner. All information sharedis based on education, personal experience, and academic research. This is not intended to treator diagnose any illness or disease.

Basic Coaching
Weekly Updates: To ensure progress: your program will be adjusted, tweaked and optimised based on your feedback and results.
Exact Workouts: Know exactly what to do in every session. No more guessing! Exercises,weights, sets, how to warm up, … Everything is covered for you!
Video Analysis: Through personalised videos and tips to help your technique improve. We will make your technique bulletproof for results and longevity.
Perfect for those seeking a basic, yet effective coaching for their fitness journey.
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V.I.P. Coaching
Everything included in Gold Coaching
Accountability Calls: Regular check-in calls to keep you on track.
Anti-Aging Protocols: Unleash your inner vitality. Blood work analysis, supplement discussion.
Detailed Meal Prep guidance: Simplify nutrition with step-by-step guidance. Shopping list, detailed meal videos, recipe videos.
For those who desire the ultimate in coaching, combining fitness, accountability, health, nutritionand anti-aging wisdom.
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Client Transformation Before & After Online Coaching

Thanks to Jonathan, I kept the motivation to persevere and I’m really pleased with the results.

When I contacted QualityFit, I didn’t know what to expect, but I wanted to give it a real try. We started with learning the technique for different exercises, soon weights were added together with a strict (but not starving) diet and I quickly began to feel/see the results. Instead of only reducing my weight, I also improved my body figure, energy level and overall health. Weight training has become a part of my weekly routine, together with a balanced diet.

Client Transformation Before & After Online Coaching

Ik ben bij QualityFit gekomen na een periode van stilstand.

Voor mijn huwelijksreis wilde ik een top shape. Met enkele doelgerichte aanpassingen, een snel cursus in gewichttraining en duidelijke instructies ging ik binnen enkele weken weer vooruit. Snel werd duidelijk dat we de verwachtingen te boven gingen gaan. Ik werkte al lang hard, nu met de begeleiding bracht dit werk veel betere resultaten. Gezien mijn druk agenda moesten er vaak aanpassingen gebeuren, de communicatie hier rond verliep steeds vlot. Voor mij spreken de resultaten voor zich!

Client Transformation Before & After Online Coaching

Ik ben van 102kg naar 83kg gegaan, met duidelijk meer spiermassa.

3 trainingen per week met een relatief makkelijk vol te houden dieet. De coaching was hoogst persoonlijk, kleine problemen die opkwamen werden meteen aangepakt. De coaching is doelgericht en komt voort uit veel ervaring dat merk je aan de vooruitgang en aanpak. Ik ben ver voorbij mijn verwachtingen geraakt, ik kan het alleen maar aanraden!

Client Transformation Before & After Online Coaching

I wanted to get in better shape and was done listening to all the different opinions everywhere.

I wanted to get in better shape and was done listening to all the different opinions everywhere. Jonathan made it easy to follow and in a few weeks I could see my body changing. In two months , training 3 hours a week, I got were I wanted to be , maintaining afterwards was pretty straight forward through everything I learned.

Client Transformation Before & After Online Coaching

I am very happy with the personalized coaching!

Jonathan analyses and informs me constantly about the best ways we can progress. I have made good progress from the start and want to continue pursuing my fitness goals with QualityFit!

Client Transformation Before & After Online Coaching

Jonathan made it very pleasant every step of the way.

In just 2 months, through diet and training, I have lost over 8kg and I have learned a ton about controlling how my body looks.

Book a call to get started with online coaching

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